Ribbon Cutting for New Chamber Member: Pinaire Financial Strategies/New York Life

The Emporia Area Chamber and Visitors Bureau would like to welcome the following NEW Chamber Member: Pinaire Financial Strategies/New York Life Barbara Pinaire 902 Commercial St., Emporia, KS 66801 620-342-4433 bapinaire@ft.newyorklife.com Pinaire Financial Strategies/New York Life became a member of the Emporia Area Chamber of Commerce on April 25, 2018. Join us for a Ribbon … Read more

May Chamber Group Lunch

The Emporia Area Chamber and Visitors Bureau invites you to participate in the Chamber Group Lunch program. Group Lunches are an excellent way to network! You will be matched with a group of 4-6 other Emporia Area Chamber members to enjoy lunch at a local Chamber member restaurant. The next Group Lunch is set for … Read more

Welcome NEW Chamber Member: Corley Holding Company, Inc.

The Emporia Area Chamber and Visitors Bureau would like to welcome the following NEW Chamber Member: Corley Holding Company, Inc. David Deibel 27 Beaver Dr., St. Louis, MO 63141 314-852-3777 Daviddeibel2013@gmail.com Corley Holding Company, Inc. became a member of the Emporia Area Chamber of Commerce on April 10, 2018. The Emporia Area Chamber encourages you … Read more

Ribbon Cutting for The Copper Top

The Emporia Area Chamber and Visitors Bureau will host a Ribbon Cutting on Friday, April 20 at 4:30 p.m. for The Copper Top. They are celebrating their great location and becoming a Chamber member. Ribbon Cuttings are “FREE” to attend and always open to the public.

April Chamber Group Lunch

The Emporia Area Chamber and Visitors Bureau invites you to participate in the Chamber Group Lunch program. Group Lunches are an excellent way to network! You will be matched with a group of 4-6 other Emporia Area Chamber members to enjoy lunch at a local Chamber member restaurant. The next Group Lunch is set for … Read more

Ribbon Cutting for Crosswinds Pre-K Program

The Emporia Area Chamber and Visitors Bureau will host a Ribbon Cutting on Monday, March 26 at 2:00 p.m. for Crosswinds NEW Pre-K Program at First Christian Church, 202 E 12th Ave. in Emporia. Ribbon Cuttings are “FREE” to attend and always open to the public.