Emporia Community Christmas Parade


Emporia Community Christmas Parade

December 3, 2024 ~~ 7:00 p.m.

Inclement weather date, Thursday, December 5, 2024

Christmas Parade will be shown on ValuNet/Sparklight Channel 3 and streamed on KVOE

~~46th Annual Parade Theme~~

A Storybook Christmas

Parade Entry Guidelines

All parade entrants are asked to observe the following guidelines, and supply information where requested to assist the Parade and Dedication Committee in proper planning of the event. The ceremony and parade are religious as well as festive, and entrants are reminded to be knowledgeable of these guidelines for the safety and concerns of all involved. Be sure everyone involved with your entry understands these guidelines.

  • Only one Santa Claus is allowed in the Parade. The Emporia Area Chamber of Commerce arranges for Santa’s appearance. *No artificial Santas or false representatives of any kind are allowed.
  • New this year: A sensory block. The first block of the parade route is designed to accommodate individuals who may be sensitive to loud noises, flashing lights, or other sensory stimuli. This means that you may have lights on your float, but they cannot flash, you may not make any loud noises like playing music, revving engines or honking horns. Banks will march, but not play music or have a drum cadence. This is for the first block. The second block until the end of the parade flashing lights and all noises are acceptable. 
  • Candy, prizes, novelty items may be distributed along the route of the event. Distribution shall occur within fifteen feet (15′) of the curb line. Candy, prizes, novelty items shall NOT be thrown by participants, either from a float or other vehicle or by walkers. Participants who throw items may be fined and/or removed from the parade at the sole discretion of the Emporia Police Department.
  • All Parade participants must comply with current traffic laws and regulations. For everyone’s safety, we ask all motorized vehicles to refrain from excessive acceleration, wheelies, burnouts, etc. The Parade is for the community’s enjoyment – please be considerate.
  • All entries must have a Christmas theme or greeting.
  • Participants who want their entry to be judged for special awards (Parade Marshal’s, Chamber’s, etc.) must have their float assembled and in line in their designated location by 5:45 p.m.
  • Prior to the parade you will be assigned an entry number. For identification and lineup purposes, all Parade entrants shall made and display their entry number in black marker on an 8 1/2 X 11″ paper and affix to the DRIVER side windshield of the entry or on the front side of any nonmotorized (walking) entries. Final Parade placement is subject to change for best presentation during the Parade.
  • Commentators and the reviewing stand will be located in the 700 block of Commercial, In order to be identified for broadcast information, please slow down and make your entry number visible.
  • You MUST provide your own street cleanup if your entry includes livestock (dogs, horses, etc.) per City of Emporia Parade guidelines.
  • Absolutely no alcoholic beverages or consumption of alcohol is permitted during the ceremony or Parade. Any participant judged to be in possession of, or under the influence of, alcohol or any other substance, shall be asked to leave and subject to removal if not done.


 All completed forms must be submitted online or delivered to the Chamber office, 719 Commercial Street, by 5:00 p.m.

 For additional information/questions please call (620) 342‑1600 or email chamber@emporiakschamber.org.


Christmas Parade

Entry Form
    Please Note: All entries being judged will receive a line-up assignment on 4th Street west of Commercial and must be in line by 5:45 p.m. - Bands will not be judged.