Labor Force: RDA Progress

Labor Force

To begin understanding our labor force, we need to know how many workers live in Lyon County and how many of them work in Lyon County.  Table 1 below shows the location where Lyon County residents work.  This place of work is the location of the company the resident works for and not necessarily the location that the resident is working at.

The table shows that almost 88% of Lyon County residents are working for a business located in Lyon County with 11.75% of residents working for a business in Kansas but not Lyon County.  The 1,915 residents not working for a business in Lyon County could be potential employees for a company located in Lyon County.

Table 2 below shows the location where workers that work for a business in Lyon County live.  This place of residence is the location where the worker lives while working for a company located in Lyon County.

The table shows that almost 90% of workers that work for a business in Lyon County also live in Lyon County with 9.35% of workers living in Kansas but not Lyon County.  The 1,490 workers that work for a business in Lyon County but do not live in Lyon County could be potential residents of Lyon County.

Other key statistics that we are looking at as we establish baseline information for our labor force are the unemployment rate, civilian labor force, and the participation rate.  When looking at broader demographic measurements like unemployment and civilian labor force we can obtain information for the City of Emporia as well as Lyon County.

The civilian labor force for Emporia as of May 2022, the most recent information available, per the Kansas Department of Labor was 12,539 with 286 unemployed for an unemployment rate of 2.3%.  The civilian labor force for Lyon County as of May 2022, was 16,824 with 378 unemployed for an unemployment rate of 2.2%.

The most recent labor force information available from the Kansas Department of Labor is county information from June 2022.  This report shows that Lyon County has a total civilian labor force of 16,990 with 460 unemployed for an unemployment rate of 2.7%.  It is interesting to note that 166 more people entered the civilian labor force between May and June and 82 more people were unemployed which increased our unemployment rate by 0.5%.

The most recent participation rate information comes from the U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey 2015-2019, that shows the Emporia labor force participation rate, civilian population 16 years and over, was at 69.6%, while the Kansas participation rate was 66.4% and the US participation rate was 63.2%.  It will be interesting to watch for releases to show post pandemic rates.