Welcome to the New Chamber Forum

Welcome to the Chamber’s Forum! We are excited about the many new and interesting happenings not only here at our office, but in the community as well, and want to use this forum to keep you updated and, when needed, ask for your feedback. Have you seen our new electronic newsletter? If not, you can view it here on our website!

What are some of the other great features of our website? It is fully mobile, so it does not matter what device you are using. Computer, tablet, phone, android or apple; they all work! You can submit your community events, and they will appear on our community calendar; register for Chamber events and activities like our Lunch and Learns, Business After Hours or Leadership Emporia. All of our forms will be available to submit online! Find contact information for our elected officials. Learn how to best maximize your leadership or simply keep up on the latest by visiting the website on a regular basis. We have tried to make it easy for you with quick link buttons such as: Join Now, News, Calendar and Visitor Information.

Is there something we are missing? As with any conversion, some errors are made. Please let us know what you find or cannot find when looking at our site. We appreciate your input. You may give us your feedback by simply commenting on this article. We appreciate any and all constructive feedback.

Remember to visit the Chamber’s Forum on a regular basis to see what we at the Chamber and Visitors Bureau are up to! It’s a Great Day in Emporia; tell someone!